Sunday 27 October 2013


Under Dictionary you have the transcription of a listening activity you can find at the link provided to practice greetings in Spanish. LET'S START LEARNING SPANISH!!! Hasta luego!

Life in Turkey

Village name: Yaramış,
Village related to Bedirli/Sivas,
Family lives in village:65,
Distance to province:32km/h,
Distance  to city airport: 40km/h
Water resources: Kızılırmak. It’s the longest river of Turkey,
Climate: The weather is cold and snowy in winters and summer is hot and dry,
Illiteracy rate: %15 illiterate and %85 of villagers are literate,
Economy: Main resources are agriculture and feeding/selling animals.
Cooperation in the family: Family men are working at fields and family helps them. Women are housewives. Children are helping the family and continue their education.
Appearance clothes:
Daily-life clothes: We wear normal clothes, men wear trousers, shirt, women wear skirt and t-shirt and blouse.
Pre-wedding ceremonies: When the girl and boy came to wedding age,family let them choose their own wife or husband. Before the ceremony, groom can’t see the bride. They drink şerbet (traditional sweet and flavoured water), eat nuts and eat dessert to talk about sweet things. Bride can wish something from groom.
Wedding ceremonies: Weddings are like big celebrations, it continue 4 days. Musicians make music with drum and zurna. All expenses are spent by groom side.
Yaramış Primary School: First school of Yaramış was built in 1956. They continue to education at same school in one class till 1991. All five grades were in the same class. They built two more classes in 1991. Then, they built one more new class in 2000. Government decided to built new building in 2004. (8 class, computer and physic lab) We are 120 students in the school.
Pictures taken by 7th Grade
Information written by Merve Korkmaz 8th Grade