The Meaning of Turkish Flag
Turkey is a big state. Turkish flag is the national symbol of Turkey. There is no flag become random or by chance in the world.
Turkish flag shows independence and Turkey's existence. According to the myth red colour shows the blood of our martyrs, moon and star represent the reflection of the sky at Independence War of Turkey. In one of the poem it says: " Flag can only be flag if there is blood on it and the state can only be state if its citizens die for it"
Yunus Delibaş - 7/A
Yaramış, Turkey
Very good, Yunus, I hope we can change that blood for friendship and unity.... Concha (English teacher, Spain)
This is interesting. Me too, I hope there will be no more bloodshed, instead, nations living peacefully but proudly independent in the united world, building bridges of friendship. Thank you Yunus!
I'm Yasmina. I think that your flag has a very nice story and I agree with the teachers above.
Yasmina Lucena Wallin, 2ºA
Hi! My name is Jesús, I have read the information about your flag. I think it is very interesting and now I know a lot of things of the flag. One SALUDO (greeting) from Spain, I.E.S. Los Pacos.
Jesús Pérez Cobos, 2ºA
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